Wednesday 27 July 2011

Horrid Henry's hike review

I really like the horrid Henry books. I like the TV series even more. So I'm going to review 3 episodes in 3 posts. I'll do a top ten list or something like that another time.

In this episode Henry wants to watch Rapper Zapper for 6 hours. But Mum and Dad have other plans! Forced out on a boring hike, Henry decides to make this a walk in the woods that Mum, Dad and Peter will never forget!

This episode is great. It has a good exciting bit and a good ending. It's all nicely told and well structured. It doesn't differ much from the book, but it makes some nice little changes:
Rapper Zapper VS Terminator Gladiator is changed to the rapper zapper marathon.
The opening is different. 
Peter's nature project was not in the book.
Henry's resistance to the hike is largely omitted.
Most of Henry's teasing to Peter is omitted. He instead ruins Peter Binoculars.
The hornets nest scene was not in the book.
In the book, The family were unfourtunate enough to encounter a bull but they escape and fall into the lake by accident. In the episode, they take a short cut, which just through some fences rather then a field, and Henry then releases a bull to make them go faster. The bull chases the family to the lake.
The frog at the end wasn't in the book.

I think the episode is well told, fun, interesting and energetic but I think there is 1 scene which should have been done differently:       SPOILER ALERT!

In the episode, just to hurry the family up, Henry releases a bull from a fence. It chases the family to the fence. It then breaks through and chases them. This scene was a mistake- they should have done it differently as the idea of Henry releasing a bull like that is preposterous. Bulls are dangerous animals; the whole family could have been killed thanks to Henry.

Overall verdict: The plot is flawed, but this is energetic and fun, thanks to the well structured story. **** out of 5.

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