Monday 25 July 2011

Gnomeo and Juliet review

 Gnomeo & Juliet is a (so called) animated comedy directed by Kelly Asbury. The screenplay was written by several, including Kevin Cecil and Andy Riley. The film is based on the greatest love story ever told, written by William Shakepeare, who makes an appearance in the movie as a statue. The film came out in February 2011 and was rated U in the UK and G in the US.

G & J replaces all the characters of Romeo and Juliet with gnomes, garden stuff and only partially seen humans. Ms Montague and Mr Capulet, who hate each others guts, have 2 awesome gardens, who are full of gnomes which come to life when no one is looking. Ms Montague's garden has blue inhabitants, and Mr capulet's has red. The gnomes wage war too. But when 2 gnomes fall in love, this tale of laughably bad humour, terrible storytelling and a pathetic forbidden love sadly begins. Can these 2 silly gnomes find happiness and make this a happy ending?

Do you know what I think about this move? No? well.............WHY??????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why did I go and see this? Why? But what did I like about this mess and what diddn't I like about it? As for what I liked about it, there really isn't much. It's colourful, and I liked the animation. The film was certainly appealing visually. The enviroment looked very nice in the film. The whole garden world was quite cool. Some of the scenes were mildly exciting. The lawnmower race was OK. The finale packed in some intensity.

Now here are the bad things. First off, the 3D added nothing at all. I don't like 3D. You never see notice it and the glasses are annoying to wear. I always see 3D in adverts rather than the actual film normally. The 3D only appeared during the title for me.

The characters are terrible. I don't care about any of them. And one more thing.............. SINCE WHEN HAS ROMEO HAD A BEARD?! OK, a brown one might have been fine, but a white one.........? Give me a break. Gnomeo and Juliet aren't that pretty in this movie, the rest of the players are boring! All the garden's a stage in this movie. Well, the stage is populated with boring actors! And the characters aren't exactly illuminated by the actors are they? James Macavoy and Emily Blunt uncovincing and completely lifeless as the gnomes who are centre stage. No one else stands out.

Lets not forget the horrendous storytelling which doesn't grip, compell or make you interested. The plot is dull, dire, predictable and heavily overdone.

Now I want to get onto how unfaithful this movie is to its source material. The cleverness pretty much stops with the title in the end. There are 1 or 2 other moments of limited intelligence. Also, this is filled with scenes which were not needed. And in the real play, in act 1 Tybalt says "Peace, I hate the word". In this version, Gnomeo says "Red, I hate the word" What the heck?! The story might have been better if the storyline had stuck more to the source material.        SPOILER ALERT!

I know this is really mean, but I would have been happier if this had been a tragedy like the original. It would have been far more original because the romance and all other elements of emotion failed to touch.

The humour in this movie is soooooooooooo bad. I'm talking painful to watch. This is so unfunny!

Final verdict: A dull, derivative blend of terrible humour, awful storytelling and bad acting, this is a poor quality animation that will have William Shakespeare turning in his grave.

Skip it please! This will bore the little kids to sleep because of all the tedious romance and this is not a good family viewing choice at all. It is a TERRIBLE movie. Avoid like the plauge.

                                                             1= TERRIBLE
                                                              2= AWFUL
                                                              3= VERY BAD
                                                              4= NOT VERY GOOD
                                                                6= PERFECTLY GOOD
                                                                7= GOOD
                                                                 8= VERY GOOD
                                                                  9= EXCELLENT


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