Monday 25 July 2011

A double review: Moments and Fridays

Rebecca Black is the latest teen sensation that's gripping the nation! She's done 2 songs so far, what do I think of them?

Friday song review: The lyrics are horribly dire, the songs concept is meaningless, the tune is boring and Friday is just awful, let's not forget the terrible rap near the end!

Music video: Dumb, filled with goofs and meaningless.

My moment song review: Although it is a vast improvement to Friday and the some of the lyrics get under your skin, the song lacks momentum and energy.

Music video review: Poorly done and not great, but it has a good second half and carries some sort of message.
Ratings (out of 5 stars)

Friday: *
Music video: *
My moment: **
Music video **1/2

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