Saturday 27 August 2011

Toy story review

Here's an animated movie review. This is the first completely computer generated film and is PIXAR's (My favourite animation studio) first feature film. This is the only PIXAR film in the uk to be rated PG and was released in 1995.

As far as I am concerned, TS in one of the best animated films ever made. I love PIXAR and I love the toy story films. Toy story has unbelievable amounts of charm to spare. I've always loved the idea of toys coming to life in films. This is tough at times, which is perhaps why I prefer the second. I prefer the first 2 to the third TS film. So many have seen this I don't need to recount the plot, which is very fine indeed.

Toy story is the very definition of a witty screenplay. It's a bold, tough powerhouse of a script that is extremely intelligent. Like the ingenious Picasso joke. The characters are some of the best ever. Such as the cute Bo Peep, the loyal Slinky dog, the shouty Sarge and his soilders, the wise cacking Hamn, the rude Mr Potato Head and the briliant Buzz lightyear and Woody. The characters are endlessly fun and Rex is the best. Randy Newman's music is super.

The film is exciting and entertaining, very fun, and has a very touching story. It's a delight to watch.

Verdict: Spellbinding, magical, thrilling and funny, this fantastic film is impossible to resist.
Final grade: 10

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Turbo coaster review

Turbo coaster is located at Brighton pier. It is manufactured by he now defunct Pinfari. It is a looping model from the manufacturer. It costs 4 tokens and riders have to be 1.3 metres.

The train consists of 3  4 seat cars. The restraints are thin leather and lock on departure. The trains are now red and yellow rather than yellow and grey. The ride starts as the train curves out of the station, dipping slightly and ascends a quick lift hill. It goes slowly around the top curve and then does the rides main drop. The drop goes under another part of the ride and heads upwards again. The ride goes into a banked drop before doing the loop, which has the word turbo on it. The ride then goes upwards, heading into a curve directly below the highest one. Eventually, the rides does a banked drop in a spiral shape. and does a small airtime hill, followed by a banked curve. The ride goes up slightly and does a gentle curve. It hits the short brake run, which is on a slant, and then, after stopping briefly, the ride proceeds to the station.

This was my first upside down ride so it's important to me. It's a fun ride but there are things that let lit down. The ride is very rough- everyone says so. People are too harsh on it. I'm taller now than I was previously, so it's my shoulders getting banged, not my head. The seats and restraints are uncomfortable. The ride is the not the most thrilling, but impressive for something on a wooden structure over the sea. But the ride is fun. Sit at the back, as it's more thrilling there.

Verdict: Rough but fun

Monday 8 August 2011

super 8 review

A new science fiction from Steven Spielberg. It is rated 12A. While out at night filming a movie, some kids witness a devastating train crash. As mysterious events start taking place, it soon becomes evident that it wasn't an accident and that a monster is on the loose......

One of the most anticipated movies of the summer, this. Me? I'm waiting for Final destination 5 and the new Tintin movie but this was actually a good quality sci-fi flick.But it had it's infrequent flaws. The film was uneven, as the action was spaced out. It was somewhat slow to start. It was formulaic in several ways, and felt like nothing too new. But that was made up for by many things.

Visual effects, as can often be expected nowadays, blew my mind. Explosions looked realistic, as did the alien. The action was involving and intense. The main character was a likeable protagonist. Acting was convincing enough. JJ Abram's direction was very efficient indeed. The train crash was even better than the one in FINAL DESTINATION 3! It was amazing! It was intense, beautifully done and totally crazy. But it was a little ludicrous though. The train would not go in the air like that.

The movie, despite featuring kids in the main roles, is not a little kids movie. It is very scary! But that's part of the fun. Intense action, as well as the frequent emotional depth, make for a touching and memorable experience.

Verdict: Though uneven and not so original, this thrilling, terrifying and touching sci-fi tale works.
Final grade: 8

Sunday 7 August 2011

Baby review

I don't like Justin Bieber much I'm afraid. He's not truly truly terrible. His music videos are OK and Never say never was OK. I just don't find his songs catchy. Here's my verdict on his newest and most famous.

Song review: Achingly tedious and utterly unconvincing, this is more irritating than catchy.
Music Video review: Perfectly good.

Song rating: *
Music video rating: **1/2

Thursday 4 August 2011

Horrid Henry's horrid revenge review

In this episode, Henry vows to get the ultimate revenge on Perfect Peter!

This episode makes changes from the original story that aren't brilliant but the episode is so funny and interesting that it more than compensates. It has a nice structure, at is hilarious at times. It's a clever story which is very funny, entertaining and well crafted.

Verdict: A hilarious episode! (****1/2)

Differences from the book
The incident that caused Henry to be sent to his room was a fight with Peter in the book but an incident involving a painting in this version.
Henry is in his room for the rest of the day in this version.
Henry never listened to music in his room in the book.
In the book, Henry's stuff was not taken from his room.
The whole part where Henry draws on the wall and needs Rude Ralph's help wasn't in the book.
Rude Ralph, Sour Susan and Moody Margaret didn't appear in this story in the book. Neither did Spotless Sam, Tidy Ted and Goody Goody Gordon.
The whole fairy plot is omitted, but this was featured in another episode.
The aliens weren't in the book.
The revenge is changed to Peter and his friends being tricked into painting themselves and the house blue.
In the book the success of Henry's revenge was left unclear but here, he definitely succeeds.  

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Bridge tactics review

Bridge tactics is a strategy game. You have to destroy the bridge at the right time to destroy the enemy forces.

The good: Fun, innovative, clever.
The bad: Quite frustrating.

Verdict: An innovative and intelligent game that is fun but the difficulty will put some off.
Rating: (**** out of 5.)

Piranha review

Piranha is a comedy horror film and one of the many jaws rip offs of the 70s. It is directed by Joe Dante and rated 15. It has been remade twice.

I saw this movie yesterday. I liked it. Sure, it doesn't come near to Jaws and it was nothing special but it was quite fun. This is quite gory, gorier than Jaws but not higher than 15+ level. I have seen 2 other Joe Dante movies and I liked them both.

The piranhas in this movie looked very fake. In fact mostly, all we see are shadows. We see fleeting glimpses though. They were still a convincing but not wildly frightening. Joe Dante uses somewhat clichéd camera work but there is a fair amount of suspense here. The acting was fine, and the script had a few good jokes packed in. The action was intense and enjoyable. It was a fun little horror comedy, but not amazing.

Verdict: It's silly plot and somewhat clichéd camera work will put some off, but the good jokes, fair amount of suspense and light fun feel may win you over.


Tuesday 2 August 2011

Booster review

RATING: 9 (Fantastic)
I have only been on one booster ride and that is this one. What makes this different is that it is built on a pier. Brighton pier to be precise. It is at the end of the pier. So at some points you swing over the sea.

The booster can hold up to 8 riders. It is a huge stick which has to paralleled cars attached to each end. The cars are fixed to the side of the structure. 4 sit on each car. The restraints, which are shoulder harness', are locked down using a seat belt. Then, once one car is loaded, That one is moved to the top of the pole, where they get a fantastic view. Then the other is loaded.  The ride costs 5 tokens. The ride doesn't last very long but whatever end you sit at, you get the view.

The booster has a bigger fear factor than others because it is higher than most. The view is jaw dropping. Flying through the air, shooting upside down at breathtaking speed is exhilarating. 2 down sides: One, the short length and 2, when you're going up, sometimes it forces you to look into the sun which isn't great. Thrill seekers will love it but it will be terrifying to roller coaster begginers. You have to be 1.4 metres to ride but some will be very scared by first flying through the air lke that and then sitting so high up. It's scary.

Verdict: With jaw dropping views, dazzling thrill and breathtaking speed, this is a brilliant thrill ride and Brighton piers best ride.

Ride it.